The world keeps changing. Industries keep evolving. And so do best practices. Including best practices governing how to recruit, how to retain and how to be recruited. What worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the future and those who are willing to keep an open mind and embrace new ideas will be those who ultimately will embrace the rewards as well!
I’m definitely no Nostradamus but I predict that recruitment activity will continue to steadily rise and good quality talent will be even harder to find AND keep!
So what do you do about it? Here are some of my thoughts…
Hiring managers –
- Treat your people better than you treat your customers!
- Delegate wherever possible and thus empower your employees to take ownership, build confidence and develop pride in what they do. RESULT: employee loyalty!
- Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise (Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people)
- Conduct frequent two-way reviews to build the lines of communication and confirm expectations (including career path management) – once/twice a year is just not enough!
- Create a friendly, approachable and fun atmosphere where people are happy (better: proud) to work – this will passively attract other quality people to you and your organisation. RESULT: reduced recruitment spend for you…and more bus. dev. for me…
- Invest in staff training and development
- Pay employees well!
- Offer referral fees for talent
- Really partner with your niche recruitment specialists – this means carefully prepared job descriptions, prompt feedback and time invested in order to build a trusting, consultative relationship
- Always be willing to receive resumes/and or meet with valuable talent – ie. a more proactive recruitment approach
- Be open to candidates that may not have all the technical skills but more than make up for it in attitude
- Realise that speed (without compromising quality) is going to be ever more important when recruiting!
- Embrace new technologies as useful tools when recruiting ie. Skype video conferencing and social media
- Understand generational differences – Gen X vs. Gen Y
Candidates looking for opportunities -
- Strive to become a quality professional and build a reputation as a first class individual! (First Class or Economy – the choice is yours!)
- Remember that your current place of employment may just well be able to offer you what you are looking for if you prove yourself to be worthy of it!!
- Volunteer to take on those responsibilities that no one else wants
- Work smarter AND harder which may mean longer hours
- Differentiate yourself as a valuable leader/mentor to your peers - not just a participant
- Establish yourself as a positive, enthusiastic and “can do” team member than can always be counted on in times of pressure
- Take personal and professional development more seriously – if your organisation can’t fund it right now, fund it yourself – it’s an investment in YOUR future! There are plenty of low-cost/no-cost resources available – books, cds, the web, my blog…
- Strive to “thrive” and not just “exist”!
- Be healthy! Exercise. Eat well. A healthy body breeds a healthy mind and a valuable employee.
- Last but definitely not least - BE DIFFERENT when it comes to job hunting. For a FREE 17 page doc. entitled “Being Different” – A job seeker’s guide to success in the NEW world! http://www.box.net/shared/8j79mu4j4h
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